Triplancer: Reflections on Building a Tourism Startup in Egypt

The Inspiration and Vision

My journey with Triplancer began when I met my partner, who was already working in the tourism industry. Having just returned from an internship at Amazon and a previous attempt at a tourism startup, I was eager to embark on a new adventure with someone who had experience in the field and could manage sales and marketing.

Our shared vision was to simplify complex processes for travel agencies, ultimately enhancing the experiences of their customers. We wanted to help tourists have more fun and enjoy their trips more by providing value to the agencies that organized their travels.

Building the Team and Developing the MVP

I started working on the project alone for six months, during which I developed a minimum viable product (MVP). After securing our first sales and generating some revenue, I enlisted the help of friends, both part-time and full-time, to join the team. We also provided internship opportunities for others, giving them valuable experience in a 0-to-1 startup environment.

Challenges Faced

We encountered several challenges during the development of the platform. One of the major obstacles was the target users' unfamiliarity with technology, as many were still using pen and paper for their tasks. Furthermore, some locations lacked internet access, and there was resistance from employees fearing exposure to corruption through the system. We also faced competitive challenges, with some companies attempting to replicate our service for their exclusive use.

Understanding Users and Ensuring Ease of Use

To overcome the product challenges, I spent time shadowing employees, interviewing managers, and observing company owners. This hands-on approach allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of their processes, enabling us to design an easy-to-use system that required minimal onboarding.

Customer Acquisition and Growth

Our primary strategy for acquiring customers and growing the business was through word of mouth, relying on the expertise of our sales partner.

The Downfall

Unfortunately, Triplancer was unable to withstand the impact of COVID-19 on the tourism industry and the economic challenges in Egypt, including inflation and currency devaluation. Additionally, our target users' resistance to technology adoption made it difficult to achieve widespread implementation of our system.

Lessons Learned and the Way Forward

While the Triplancer venture didn't succeed, the experience provided invaluable lessons that continue to shape my professional journey. The challenges faced, the skills acquired, and the relationships built have instilled in me a spirit of innovation and a drive to continuously learn and grow in all my endeavors.